Charles Bent, the first civilian governor of the territory of New Mexico came to a brutal end during the January 1847 Taos Revolt. Scalped alive, he was then dragged into his home to be beaten until death while his children and wife looked on. The mob went on to kill Bent’s brother-in-law Pablo Jaramillo, Steven Lee (the Sherriff of Taos County), J.W. Leas (the circuit court judge and Cornello Vigil who served as Narciso Vigil.
It is said that paranormal activity increases here every January anniversary of the event. Across the street at Moby Bookstore, owners report that books mysteriously fall from shelves. The home which is now the Bent Museum still has a hole in the wall that the family made on the night of the revolt to escape. Various visitors have heard a piano playing and when they went to look, no one was there. There have also been reports of Shadowy figures seen in the Governor’s old residence.