Double Eagle Restaurant, Mesilla, NM (Revised Ghost Story)

he adobe home in which the Double Eagle restaurant is located was built during the boom time for Mesilla in the 1840’s and is acknowledged as the oldest building in Historic Old Mesilla. Although Mesilla was a well-known watering and stop-over spot for trails east and west as well as north and south since ancient … Read moreDouble Eagle Restaurant, Mesilla, NM (Revised Ghost Story)

Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas, NM (Ghost Stories with skeptical commentary)

The Clovis News Journal publishes the first written account of the Plaza Hotel having a ghost on March 9th, 1983.    ” A ghost who haunts the stairwells, reminiscences of visits from Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders, and a terrain which made the area a Haven for outlaws, are all part of the colorful … Read morePlaza Hotel, Las Vegas, NM (Ghost Stories with skeptical commentary)

New Mexico State Penitentiary, Santa Fe, NM (More Witness Accounts and Ghost Stories)

One of the popular ghost stories that have come out of the prison involves a member of one of the film crews who reported seeing the dark-garbed figure while he was alone in the prison. The figure went into a bathroom. When the crew member followed, the bathroom was empty. An article published in the Santa … Read moreNew Mexico State Penitentiary, Santa Fe, NM (More Witness Accounts and Ghost Stories)

Witness Accounts of paranormal encounters at the St. James Hotel

Reported Phenomena in room 5 May 22, 1993 My girlfriend (Jenny) and I visited the St. James during a road trip to Colorado. We were staying in room 5, at the end of the hall on the first floor. I was awakened by Jenny around 1:00am. She claims that she had woken up and saw … Read moreWitness Accounts of paranormal encounters at the St. James Hotel