A strong Imperial Pilsner, with flavors as smooth and crafty as Gollum himself. Like the ring that Gollum pursued for the rest of his life, his “precious” pils could extend your life too if your quest leads you to it! (at least we’d like to think so) It will, at a minimum, make your journey a little more enjoyable!
B – Boldness: More hoppy than most pilsners, which I liked but retains the pleasant mouthfeel and warm lager flavors of a pilsner. It seems more like an Imperial IPA than a Pilsner to me.
A – Appearance: The beer is hazy yellow and has a light amount of visible carbonation and some slight orange color hues. It poured with a quarter finger high bright white head that died down, leaving thin lacing on the surface and a collar around the edge of the glass.
D – Drinkability: A bit unbalanced for me to love, but I did like it. The flavors were bold and not terrible. It was sharp, refreshing, and dry. A little more bitterness than the average pilsner but retains the pleasant mouthfeel and warm lager flavors. The finish has spicy hops and citrus rind flavors with a bit of associated bitterness.
A – Alcohol content: 9.5 % Alcohol is thick but not warm.
S – Smell: Moderate aromas of floral, herbal, and spicy hops are present in the nose, along with hints of caramel malts
S – Style: It seems more like an Imperial IPA than a Pilsner to me, but that is probably due to the high alcohol content.