Named to honor our favorite local farmer who hauls away our spent grain, Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout is brewed with milk sugar and chocolate to create a rich and creamy brew that reminds us of a cold glass of chocolate milk.
B – Boldness
Flavors follows with deep and rich chocolate and some dark malt and alcohol behind that. Deep and rich chocolate. Some dark chocolate roast and faint pine bitterness too, but overpowered by the rich chocolate, malt, and alcohol.
A – Appearance
A jet black with a dark brown head.
D – Drinkability
The body of the brew is medium in thickness and creaminess with a carbonation level that is on the lower side. The low carbonation is fantastic making it an easy drinking while still supporting the desert nature of the brew.
A – alcohol content
S – smell
The aroma is very strong of a milk chocolate smell mixed with some aromas of toasted malt and a decent showing of vanilla and brown sugar. Along with these smells comes smells of crème and a touch of coffee.
S – Style
Stout/sweet milk